Museum Technology Landscape 2018: Discovery and Findings


This report summarizes a study of collections management systems and practices within the museum community conducted by LYRASIS with funding in part from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The study was comprised of surveys and individual interviews. This report has been adapted from the original report to remove proprietary, confidential and respondent-identifying information. Opinions expressed in the report are those of the authors and collaborators, and do not necessarily represent those of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The study covers information about the status of collections, collections management practices, digitization, software selection processes, technology support, and collections management strategy, specifically within the museum field.


Partners at the Balboa Park Online Collaborative (BPOC) and Ithaka S+R were tasked with investigating the museum technology landscape around collections, and how well it supports internal operations as well as community programming.​ Original research and report produced by Nik Honeysett and Julia Falkowski.


museum technology, collection management systems, museums, collections management, digitization
