Open Source Software Support Services

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In 2013 LYRASIS commissioned a series of case studies about implementing OSS systems in libraries. LYRASIS selected three concepts for development: Crawford County Federated Library System in Pennsylvania (Koha case study); Fenway Libraries Online in Massachusetts (Coral case study); and the University of Chicago Library (Kuali OLE case study). These three represent diverse open source systems, types of libraries and levels of experience. The case studies were published on, a website created during the project that is now only partially active.


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Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • ItemOpen Access
    When the Open Source System is the Best System
    (LYRASIS, 2014) Drake, Kelly; Geller, Marilyn; Wentz, Erin; Choy, Louisa
    This case study follows a three-year odyssey into the world of electronic resource management (ERM) and open source systems (OSS). Led by the Fenway Libraries Online (FLO) office, the Electronic Resource Management Task Force, and eventually the FLO CORAL Development Committee (FCDC), members of the FLO community participated in system trials, product evaluation, implementation and enhancements, all in the pursuit of bringing order to the chaos that is electronic resource management. Along the way, we also learned a great deal about evaluating, implementing and supporting open source software and about participating in open source communities.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Open Source Integrated Library System in a Rural American Library
    (LYRASIS, 2014) Brice, John; Ames, Cindy Murdock
    The following narrative describes the Meadville Public Library’s now 13-year odyssey of discovering, selecting and using the OSS Koha ILS. Our story can be used to help other libraries discover where the pitfalls lie, hopefully making future libraries’ adoption of OSS easier. The following case study is written with the intent to illuminate, educate and inspire others to consider installing OSS in their library.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Kuali OLE at the University of Chicago Library
    (LYRASIS, 2014) McNamara, Frances; Miller, Stuart; Olson, Todd
    This case study documents the processes at the University of Chicago Library (Library) that ultimately resulted in the decision to replace the Library’s proprietary systems – SirsiDynix’s Horizon, Innovative Interfaces’ Millennium Acquisitions and Serials Solution’s AquaBrowser – with the open source VuFind user interface and Kuali OLE (Open Library Environment).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.